Control html tables - paging, sorting, css, checkbox column, primary-key column, help text, custom columns, model field columns, foreign key field columns etc. in templates with a beautiful declarative syntax.
If the above is not enough, Coffee Table will automatically optimize your query using select_related so that each page of the table will be rendered by a single SQL query.
CoffeeTable is at the cheeseshop: :
pip install django_coffee_table
To use coffee_table in your project:
Set up dependencies according to their respective documentation:
Include django_coffee_table in your INSTALLED_APPS.
Open your template and load up the coffee_table tags library:
{% load coffee_table %}
Basic usage:
{% coffee_table object_list %}
Advanced usage:
{% coffee_table object_list field_accessors='name, content_type__app_label' paginate_by='10' table_class='table table-condensed' checkbox_column=True primary_key_column=True help_text=True %}
Please see the included test project for more help.