The reason we're gathered here on our God-given, much-naeeded day

The reason we

I can remember about 4 years ago, I started to make HTML templates for ThemeForest. Unfortunately, I failed to pass the quality stage and I was not getting enough feedback from them. I was getting a general sentence saying that my item is not ready yet and the design quality is not unique enough.

Fortunately, I succeed this time I have leaned and done things I have never done before that keeps me learn new stuff every single day and I want to share with you some tips about starting your own business creating themes like WordPress, Ghost, or Jekyll. I think these tips will work with any online business not only for themes.


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Graphic design

Graphic design is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies, and humors. - George Santayana

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